Core API

ldclient module

The ldclient module contains the most common top-level entry points for the SDK.


Returns the shared SDK client instance, using the current global configuration.

To use the SDK as a singleton, first make sure you have called ldclient.set_sdk_key() or ldclient.set_config() at startup time. Then get() will return the same shared ldclient.client.LDClient instance each time. The client will be initialized if it has not been already.

If you need to create multiple client instances with different configurations, instead of this singleton approach you can call the ldclient.client.LDClient constructor directly instead.

Return type:ldclient.client.LDClient

Sets the configuration for the shared SDK client instance.

If this is called prior to ldclient.get(), it stores the configuration that will be used when the client is initialized. If it is called after the client has already been initialized, the client will be re-initialized with the new configuration (this will result in the next call to ldclient.get() returning a new client instance).

Parameters:config (ldclient.config.Config) – the client configuration

Sets the SDK key for the shared SDK client instance.

If this is called prior to ldclient.get(), it stores the SDK key that will be used when the client is initialized. If it is called after the client has already been initialized, the client will be re-initialized with the new SDK key (this will result in the next call to ldclient.get() returning a new client instance).

If you need to set any configuration options other than the SDK key, use ldclient.set_config() instead.

Parameters:sdk_key (string) – the new SDK key

ldclient.client module

This submodule contains the client class that provides most of the SDK functionality.

class ldclient.client.LDClient(sdk_key=None, config=None, start_wait=5)[source]

The LaunchDarkly SDK client object.

Applications should configure the client at startup time and continue to use it throughout the lifetime of the application, rather than creating instances on the fly. The best way to do this is with the singleton methods ldclient.set_sdk_key(), ldclient.set_config(), and ldclient.get(). However, you may also call the constructor directly if you need to maintain multiple instances.

Client instances are thread-safe.

__init__(sdk_key=None, config=None, start_wait=5)[source]

Constructs a new LDClient instance.

  • sdk_key (string) – the SDK key for your LaunchDarkly environment
  • config (ldclient.config.Config) – optional custom configuration
  • start_wait (float) – the number of seconds to wait for a successful connection to LaunchDarkly

Returns all feature flag values for the given user.

This method is deprecated - please use all_flags_state() instead. Current versions of the client-side SDK will not generate analytics events correctly if you pass the result of all_flags.

Parameters:user (dict) – the end user requesting the feature flags
Returns:a dictionary of feature flag keys to values; returns None if the client is offline, has not been initialized, or the user is None or has no key
Return type:dict
all_flags_state(user, **kwargs)[source]

Returns an object that encapsulates the state of all feature flags for a given user, including the flag values and also metadata that can be used on the front end. See the JavaScript SDK Reference Guide on Bootstrapping.

This method does not send analytics events back to LaunchDarkly.

  • user (dict) – the end user requesting the feature flags
  • kwargs – optional parameters affecting how the state is computed - see below
Keyword Arguments:
  • client_side_only (boolean) – set to True to limit it to only flags that are marked for use with the client-side SDK (by default, all flags are included)
  • with_reasons (boolean) – set to True to include evaluation reasons in the state (see variation_detail())
  • details_only_for_tracked_flags (boolean) – set to True to omit any metadata that is normally only used for event generation, such as flag versions and evaluation reasons, unless the flag has event tracking or debugging turned on

a FeatureFlagsState object (will never be None; its valid property will be False if the client is offline, has not been initialized, or the user is None or has no key)

Return type:



Releases all threads and network connections used by the LaunchDarkly client.

Do not attempt to use the client after calling this method.


Flushes all pending analytics events.

Normally, batches of events are delivered in the background at intervals determined by the flush_interval property of ldclient.config.Config. Calling flush() schedules the next event delivery to be as soon as possible; however, the delivery still happens asynchronously on a worker thread, so this method will return immediately.


Returns the configured SDK key.

Return type:string

Registers the user.

This simply creates an analytics event that will transmit the given user properties to LaunchDarkly, so that the user will be visible on your dashboard even if you have not evaluated any flags for that user. It has no other effect.

Parameters:user (dict) – attributes of the user to register

Returns true if the client has successfully connected to LaunchDarkly.

If this returns false, it means that the client has not yet successfully connected to LaunchDarkly. It might still be in the process of starting up, or it might be attempting to reconnect after an unsuccessful attempt, or it might have received an unrecoverable error (such as an invalid SDK key) and given up.

Return type:bool

Returns true if the client is in offline mode.

Return type:bool

Computes an HMAC signature of a user signed with the client’s SDK key, for use with the JavaScript SDK.

For more information, see the JavaScript SDK Reference Guide on Secure mode.

Parameters:user (dict) – the attributes of the user
Returns:a hash string that can be passed to the front end
Return type:string
toggle(key, user, default)[source]

Deprecated synonym for variation().

Deprecated since version 2.0.0.

track(event_name, user, data=None, metric_value=None)[source]

Tracks that a user performed an event.

LaunchDarkly automatically tracks pageviews and clicks that are specified in the Goals section of the dashboard. This can be used to track custom goals or other events that do not currently have goals.

  • event_name (string) – the name of the event, which may correspond to a goal in A/B tests
  • user (dict) – the attributes of the user
  • data – optional additional data associated with the event
  • metric_value – a numeric value used by the LaunchDarkly experimentation feature in numeric custom metrics. Can be omitted if this event is used by only non-numeric metrics. This field will also be returned as part of the custom event for Data Export.
variation(key, user, default)[source]

Determines the variation of a feature flag for a user.

  • key (string) – the unique key for the feature flag
  • user (dict) – a dictionary containing parameters for the end user requesting the flag
  • default (object) – the default value of the flag, to be used if the value is not available from LaunchDarkly

one of the flag’s variation values, or the default value

variation_detail(key, user, default)[source]

Determines the variation of a feature flag for a user, like variation(), but also provides additional information about how this value was calculated, in the form of an ldclient.flag.EvaluationDetail object.

Calling this method also causes the “reason” data to be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag.

  • key (string) – the unique key for the feature flag
  • user (dict) – a dictionary containing parameters for the end user requesting the flag
  • default (object) – the default value of the flag, to be used if the value is not available from LaunchDarkly

an object describing the result

Return type:


ldclient.config module

This submodule contains the Config class for custom configuration of the SDK client.

Note that the same class can also be imported from the ldclient.client submodule.

class ldclient.config.Config(sdk_key=None, base_uri='', events_uri='', connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=15, events_max_pending=10000, flush_interval=5, stream_uri='', stream=True, initial_reconnect_delay=1, verify_ssl=True, defaults=None, send_events=None, events_enabled=True, update_processor_class=None, poll_interval=30, use_ldd=False, feature_store=None, feature_requester_class=None, event_processor_class=None, private_attribute_names=(), all_attributes_private=False, offline=False, user_keys_capacity=1000, user_keys_flush_interval=300, inline_users_in_events=False, http_proxy=None, diagnostic_opt_out=False, diagnostic_recording_interval=900, wrapper_name=None, wrapper_version=None, http=None)[source]

Advanced configuration options for the SDK client.

To use these options, create an instance of Config and pass it to either ldclient.set_config() if you are using the singleton client, or the ldclient.client.LDClient constructor otherwise.

__init__(sdk_key=None, base_uri='', events_uri='', connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=15, events_max_pending=10000, flush_interval=5, stream_uri='', stream=True, initial_reconnect_delay=1, verify_ssl=True, defaults=None, send_events=None, events_enabled=True, update_processor_class=None, poll_interval=30, use_ldd=False, feature_store=None, feature_requester_class=None, event_processor_class=None, private_attribute_names=(), all_attributes_private=False, offline=False, user_keys_capacity=1000, user_keys_flush_interval=300, inline_users_in_events=False, http_proxy=None, diagnostic_opt_out=False, diagnostic_recording_interval=900, wrapper_name=None, wrapper_version=None, http=None)[source]
  • sdk_key (string) – The SDK key for your LaunchDarkly account.
  • base_uri (string) – The base URL for the LaunchDarkly server. Most users should use the default value.
  • events_uri (string) – The URL for the LaunchDarkly events server. Most users should use the default value.
  • connect_timeout (float) – Deprecated; use http instead and specify the connect_timeout as part of HTTPConfig.
  • read_timeout (float) – Deprecated; use http instead and specify the read_timeout as part of HTTPConfig.
  • events_upload_max_batch_size (int) – The maximum number of analytics events that the client will send at once.
  • events_max_pending (int) – The capacity of the events buffer. The client buffers up to this many events in memory before flushing. If the capacity is exceeded before the buffer is flushed, events will be discarded.
  • flush_interval (float) – The number of seconds in between flushes of the events buffer. Decreasing the flush interval means that the event buffer is less likely to reach capacity.
  • stream_uri (string) – The URL for the LaunchDarkly streaming events server. Most users should use the default value.
  • stream (bool) – Whether or not the streaming API should be used to receive flag updates. By default, it is enabled. Streaming should only be disabled on the advice of LaunchDarkly support.
  • initial_reconnect_delay (float) – The initial reconnect delay (in seconds) for the streaming connection. The streaming service uses a backoff algorithm (with jitter) every time the connection needs to be reestablished. The delay for the first reconnection will start near this value, and then increase exponentially for any subsequent connection failures.
  • verify_ssl (bool) – Deprecated; use http instead and specify disable_ssl_verification as part of HTTPConfig if you want to turn off SSL verification (not recommended).
  • send_events (bool) – Whether or not to send events back to LaunchDarkly. This differs from offline in that it affects only the sending of client-side events, not streaming or polling for events from the server. By default, events will be sent.
  • events_enabled (bool) – Obsolete name for send_events.
  • offline (bool) – Whether the client should be initialized in offline mode. In offline mode, default values are returned for all flags and no remote network requests are made. By default, this is false.
  • poll_interval (float) – The number of seconds between polls for flag updates if streaming is off.
  • use_ldd (bool) – Whether you are using the LaunchDarkly relay proxy in daemon mode. In this configuration, the client will not use a streaming connection to listen for updates, but instead will get feature state from a Redis instance. The stream and poll_interval options will be ignored if this option is set to true. By default, this is false.
  • private_attribute_names (array) – Marks a set of attribute names private. Any users sent to LaunchDarkly with this configuration active will have attributes with these names removed.
  • all_attributes_private (bool) – If true, all user attributes (other than the key) will be private, not just the attributes specified in private_attribute_names.
  • feature_store (FeatureStore) – A FeatureStore implementation
  • user_keys_capacity (int) – The number of user keys that the event processor can remember at any one time, so that duplicate user details will not be sent in analytics events.
  • user_keys_flush_interval (float) – The interval in seconds at which the event processor will reset its set of known user keys.
  • inline_users_in_events (bool) – Whether to include full user details in every analytics event. By default, events will only include the user key, except for one “index” event that provides the full details for the user.
  • feature_requester_class ((str, ldclient.config.Config, FeatureStore) -> FeatureRequester) – A factory for a FeatureRequester implementation taking the sdk key and config
  • event_processor_class ((ldclient.config.Config) -> EventProcessor) – A factory for an EventProcessor implementation taking the config
  • update_processor_class ((str, ldclient.config.Config, FeatureStore) -> UpdateProcessor) – A factory for an UpdateProcessor implementation taking the sdk key, config, and FeatureStore implementation
  • http_proxy – Deprecated; use http instead and specify the http_proxy as part of HTTPConfig.
  • diagnostic_opt_out (bool) – Unless this field is set to True, the client will send some diagnostics data to the LaunchDarkly servers in order to assist in the development of future SDK improvements. These diagnostics consist of an initial payload containing some details of SDK in use, the SDK’s configuration, and the platform the SDK is being run on, as well as periodic information on irregular occurrences such as dropped events.
  • diagnostic_recording_interval (int) – The interval in seconds at which periodic diagnostic data is sent. The default is 900 seconds (every 15 minutes) and the minimum value is 60 seconds.
  • wrapper_name (string) – For use by wrapper libraries to set an identifying name for the wrapper being used. This will be sent in HTTP headers during requests to the LaunchDarkly servers to allow recording metrics on the usage of these wrapper libraries.
  • wrapper_version (string) – For use by wrapper libraries to report the version of the library in use. If wrapper_name is not set, this field will be ignored. Otherwise the version string will be included in the HTTP headers along with the wrapper_name during requests to the LaunchDarkly servers.
  • http (HTTPConfig) – Optional properties for customizing the client’s HTTP/HTTPS behavior. See HTTPConfig.

Returns a new Config instance that is the same as this one, except for having a different SDK key.

Parameters:new_sdk_key (string) – the new SDK key
Return type:ldclient.config.Config
classmethod default()[source]

Returns a Config instance with default values for all properties.

Return type:ldclient.config.Config
get_default(key, default)[source]
class ldclient.config.HTTPConfig(connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=15, http_proxy=None, ca_certs=None, cert_file=None, disable_ssl_verification=False)[source]

Advanced HTTP configuration options for the SDK client.

This class groups together HTTP/HTTPS-related configuration properties that rarely need to be changed. If you need to set these, construct an HTTPConfig instance and pass it as the http parameter when you construct the main Config for the SDK client.

For some of these properties, Config also has properties with the same names; the latter are deprecated and will be removed in the future, and if you specify an HTTPConfig instance then the corresponding Config properties will be ignored.

__init__(connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=15, http_proxy=None, ca_certs=None, cert_file=None, disable_ssl_verification=False)[source]
  • connect_timeout (float) – The connect timeout for network connections in seconds.
  • read_timeout (float) – The read timeout for network connections in seconds.
  • http_proxy – Use a proxy when connecting to LaunchDarkly. This is the full URI of the proxy; for example: Note that unlike the standard http_proxy environment variable, this is used regardless of whether the target URI is HTTP or HTTPS (the actual LaunchDarkly service uses HTTPS, but a Relay Proxy instance could use HTTP). Setting this Config parameter will override any proxy specified by an environment variable, but only for LaunchDarkly SDK connections.
  • ca_certs (string) – If using a custom certificate authority, set this to the file path of the certificate bundle.
  • cert_file (string) – If using a custom client certificate, set this to the file path of the certificate.
  • disable_ssl_verification (bool) – If true, completely disables SSL verification and certificate verification for secure requests. This is unsafe and should not be used in a production environment; instead, use a self-signed certificate and set ca_certs.

ldclient.flag module

This submodule contains a helper class for feature flag evaluation, as well as some implementation details.

class ldclient.flag.EvaluationDetail(value, variation_index, reason)[source]

The return type of ldclient.client.LDClient.variation_detail(), combining the result of a flag evaluation with information about how it was calculated.

__init__(value, variation_index, reason)[source]

Constructs an instance.


Returns True if the flag evaluated to the default value rather than one of its variations.

Return type:bool

A dictionary describing the main factor that influenced the flag evaluation value. It contains the following properties:

  • kind: The general category of reason, as follows:
    • "OFF": the flag was off
    • "FALLTHROUGH" – the flag was on but the user did not match any targets or rules
    • "TARGET_MATCH" – the user was specifically targeted for this flag
    • "RULE_MATCH" – the user matched one of the flag’s rules
    • "PREREQUISITE_FAILED" – the flag was considered off because it had at least one prerequisite flag that did not return the desired variation
    • "ERROR" - the flag could not be evaluated due to an unexpected error.
  • ruleIndex, ruleId: The positional index and unique identifier of the matched rule, if the kind was RULE_MATCH
  • prerequisiteKey: The flag key of the prerequisite that failed, if the kind was PREREQUISITE_FAILED
  • errorKind: further describes the nature of the error if the kind was ERROR, e.g. "FLAG_NOT_FOUND"
Return type:dict

The result of the flag evaluation. This will be either one of the flag’s variations or the default value that was passed to the ldclient.client.LDClient.variation_detail() method.


The index of the returned value within the flag’s list of variations, e.g. 0 for the first variation – or None if the default value was returned.

Return type:int or None

ldclient.flags_state module

This submodule contains a helper class for feature flag evaluation.

class ldclient.flags_state.FeatureFlagsState(valid)[source]

A snapshot of the state of all feature flags with regard to a specific user, generated by calling the ldclient.client.LDClient.all_flags_state() method. Serializing this object to JSON, using the to_json_dict() method or jsonpickle, will produce the appropriate data structure for bootstrapping the LaunchDarkly JavaScript client. See the JavaScript SDK Reference Guide on Bootstrapping.


Returns the evaluation reason for an individual feature flag at the time the state was recorded.

Parameters:key (string) – the feature flag key
Returns:a dictionary describing the reason; None if reasons were not recorded, or if there was no such flag
Return type:dict or None

Returns the value of an individual feature flag at the time the state was recorded.

Parameters:key (string) – the feature flag key
Returns:the flag’s value; None if the flag returned the default value, or if there was no such flag

Returns a dictionary suitable for passing as JSON, in the format used by the LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK. Use this method if you are passing data to the front end in order to “bootstrap” the JavaScript client.

Return type:dict

Same as to_json_dict, but serializes the JSON structure into a string.

Return type:string

Returns a dictionary of flag keys to flag values. If the flag would have evaluated to the default value, its value will be None.

Do not use this method if you are passing data to the front end to “bootstrap” the JavaScript client. Instead, use to_json_dict().

Return type:dict

True if this object contains a valid snapshot of feature flag state, or False if the state could not be computed (for instance, because the client was offline or there was no user).

Return type:bool