Source code for ldclient.client

This submodule contains the client class that provides most of the SDK functionality.

import hashlib
import hmac
import threading
import traceback

from ldclient.config import Config as Config
from ldclient.event_processor import NullEventProcessor
from ldclient.feature_requester import FeatureRequesterImpl
from ldclient.feature_store import _FeatureStoreDataSetSorter
from ldclient.flag import EvaluationDetail, evaluate, error_reason
from ldclient.flags_state import FeatureFlagsState
from ldclient.interfaces import FeatureStore
from ldclient.polling import PollingUpdateProcessor
from ldclient.streaming import StreamingUpdateProcessor
from ldclient.util import check_uwsgi, log
from ldclient.versioned_data_kind import FEATURES, SEGMENTS

# noinspection PyBroadException
    import queue
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyPep8Naming
    import Queue as queue  # Python 3

from threading import Lock

class _FeatureStoreClientWrapper(FeatureStore):
    """Provides additional behavior that the client requires before or after feature store operations.
    Currently this just means sorting the data set for init(). In the future we may also use this
    to provide an update listener capability.

    def __init__(self, store): = store
    def init(self, all_data):

    def get(self, kind, key, callback):
        return, key, callback)

    def all(self, kind, callback):
        return, callback)

    def delete(self, kind, key, version):
        return, key, version)

    def upsert(self, kind, item):
        return, item)

    def initialized(self):

[docs]class LDClient(object): """The LaunchDarkly SDK client object. Applications should configure the client at startup time and continue to use it throughout the lifetime of the application, rather than creating instances on the fly. The best way to do this is with the singleton methods :func:`ldclient.set_sdk_key()`, :func:`ldclient.set_config()`, and :func:`ldclient.get()`. However, you may also call the constructor directly if you need to maintain multiple instances. Client instances are thread-safe. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sdk_key=None, config=None, start_wait=5): """Constructs a new LDClient instance. :param string sdk_key: the SDK key for your LaunchDarkly environment :param ldclient.config.Config config: optional custom configuration :param float start_wait: the number of seconds to wait for a successful connection to LaunchDarkly """ check_uwsgi() if config is not None and config.sdk_key is not None and sdk_key is not None: raise Exception("LaunchDarkly client init received both sdk_key and config with sdk_key. " "Only one of either is expected") if sdk_key is not None: log.warn("Deprecated sdk_key argument was passed to init. Use config object instead.") self._config = Config(sdk_key=sdk_key) else: self._config = config or Config.default() self._config._validate() self._event_processor = None self._lock = Lock() self._store = _FeatureStoreClientWrapper(self._config.feature_store) """ :type: FeatureStore """ if self._config.offline or not self._config.send_events: self._event_processor = NullEventProcessor() else: self._event_processor = self._config.event_processor_class(self._config) if self._config.offline:"Started LaunchDarkly Client in offline mode") return if self._config.use_ldd:"Started LaunchDarkly Client in LDD mode") return update_processor_ready = threading.Event() if self._config.update_processor_class:"Using user-specified update processor: " + str(self._config.update_processor_class)) self._update_processor = self._config.update_processor_class( self._config, self._store, update_processor_ready) else: if self._config.feature_requester_class: feature_requester = self._config.feature_requester_class(self._config) else: feature_requester = FeatureRequesterImpl(self._config) """ :type: FeatureRequester """ if self._update_processor = StreamingUpdateProcessor( self._config, feature_requester, self._store, update_processor_ready) else:"Disabling streaming API") log.warn("You should only disable the streaming API if instructed to do so by LaunchDarkly support") self._update_processor = PollingUpdateProcessor( self._config, feature_requester, self._store, update_processor_ready) """ :type: UpdateProcessor """ self._update_processor.start()"Waiting up to " + str(start_wait) + " seconds for LaunchDarkly client to initialize...") update_processor_ready.wait(start_wait) if self._update_processor.initialized() is True:"Started LaunchDarkly Client: OK") else: log.warn("Initialization timeout exceeded for LaunchDarkly Client or an error occurred. " "Feature Flags may not yet be available.")
[docs] def get_sdk_key(self): """Returns the configured SDK key. :rtype: string """ return self._config.sdk_key
[docs] def close(self): """Releases all threads and network connections used by the LaunchDarkly client. Do not attempt to use the client after calling this method. """"Closing LaunchDarkly client..") if self.is_offline(): return if self._event_processor: self._event_processor.stop() if self._update_processor and self._update_processor.is_alive(): self._update_processor.stop()
def _send_event(self, event): self._event_processor.send_event(event)
[docs] def track(self, event_name, user, data=None): """Tracks that a user performed an event. LaunchDarkly automatically tracks pageviews and clicks that are specified in the Goals section of the dashboard. This can be used to track custom goals or other events that do not currently have goals. :param string event_name: the name of the event, which may correspond to a goal in A/B tests :param dict user: the attributes of the user :param data: optional additional data associated with the event """ self._sanitize_user(user) if user is None or user.get('key') is None: log.warn("Missing user or user key when calling track().") self._send_event({'kind': 'custom', 'key': event_name, 'user': user, 'data': data})
[docs] def identify(self, user): """Registers the user. This simply creates an analytics event that will transmit the given user properties to LaunchDarkly, so that the user will be visible on your dashboard even if you have not evaluated any flags for that user. It has no other effect. :param dict user: attributes of the user to register """ self._sanitize_user(user) if user is None or user.get('key') is None: log.warn("Missing user or user key when calling identify().") self._send_event({'kind': 'identify', 'key': user.get('key'), 'user': user})
[docs] def is_offline(self): """Returns true if the client is in offline mode. :rtype: bool """ return self._config.offline
[docs] def is_initialized(self): """Returns true if the client has successfully connected to LaunchDarkly. If this returns false, it means that the client has not yet successfully connected to LaunchDarkly. It might still be in the process of starting up, or it might be attempting to reconnect after an unsuccessful attempt, or it might have received an unrecoverable error (such as an invalid SDK key) and given up. :rtype: bool """ return self.is_offline() or self._config.use_ldd or self._update_processor.initialized()
[docs] def flush(self): """Flushes all pending analytics events. Normally, batches of events are delivered in the background at intervals determined by the ``flush_interval`` property of :class:`ldclient.config.Config`. Calling ``flush()`` schedules the next event delivery to be as soon as possible; however, the delivery still happens asynchronously on a worker thread, so this method will return immediately. """ if self._config.offline: return return self._event_processor.flush()
[docs] def toggle(self, key, user, default): """Deprecated synonym for :func:`variation()`. .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 """ log.warn("Deprecated method: toggle() called. Use variation() instead.") return self.variation(key, user, default)
[docs] def variation(self, key, user, default): """Determines the variation of a feature flag for a user. :param string key: the unique key for the feature flag :param dict user: a dictionary containing parameters for the end user requesting the flag :param object default: the default value of the flag, to be used if the value is not available from LaunchDarkly :return: one of the flag's variation values, or the default value """ return self._evaluate_internal(key, user, default, False).value
[docs] def variation_detail(self, key, user, default): """Determines the variation of a feature flag for a user, like :func:`variation()`, but also provides additional information about how this value was calculated, in the form of an :class:`ldclient.flag.EvaluationDetail` object. Calling this method also causes the "reason" data to be included in analytics events, if you are capturing detailed event data for this flag. :param string key: the unique key for the feature flag :param dict user: a dictionary containing parameters for the end user requesting the flag :param object default: the default value of the flag, to be used if the value is not available from LaunchDarkly :return: an object describing the result :rtype: EvaluationDetail """ return self._evaluate_internal(key, user, default, True)
def _evaluate_internal(self, key, user, default, include_reasons_in_events): default = self._config.get_default(key, default) if self._config.offline: return EvaluationDetail(default, None, error_reason('CLIENT_NOT_READY')) if user is not None: self._sanitize_user(user) def send_event(value, variation=None, flag=None, reason=None): self._send_event({'kind': 'feature', 'key': key, 'user': user, 'value': value, 'variation': variation, 'default': default, 'version': flag.get('version') if flag else None, 'trackEvents': flag.get('trackEvents') if flag else None, 'debugEventsUntilDate': flag.get('debugEventsUntilDate') if flag else None, 'reason': reason if include_reasons_in_events else None}) if not self.is_initialized(): if self._store.initialized: log.warn("Feature Flag evaluation attempted before client has initialized - using last known values from feature store for feature key: " + key) else: log.warn("Feature Flag evaluation attempted before client has initialized! Feature store unavailable - returning default: " + str(default) + " for feature key: " + key) reason = error_reason('CLIENT_NOT_READY') send_event(default, None, None, reason) return EvaluationDetail(default, None, reason) if user is not None and user.get('key', "") == "": log.warn("User key is blank. Flag evaluation will proceed, but the user will not be stored in LaunchDarkly.") try: flag = self._store.get(FEATURES, key, lambda x: x) except Exception as e: log.error("Unexpected error while retrieving feature flag \"%s\": %s" % (key, repr(e))) log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) reason = error_reason('EXCEPTION') send_event(default, None, None, reason) return EvaluationDetail(default, None, reason) if not flag: reason = error_reason('FLAG_NOT_FOUND') send_event(default, None, None, reason) return EvaluationDetail(default, None, reason) else: if user is None or user.get('key') is None: reason = error_reason('USER_NOT_SPECIFIED') send_event(default, None, flag, reason) return EvaluationDetail(default, None, reason) try: result = evaluate(flag, user, self._store, include_reasons_in_events) for event in or []: self._send_event(event) detail = result.detail if detail.is_default_value(): detail = EvaluationDetail(default, None, detail.reason) send_event(detail.value, detail.variation_index, flag, detail.reason) return detail except Exception as e: log.error("Unexpected error while evaluating feature flag \"%s\": %s" % (key, repr(e))) log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) reason = error_reason('EXCEPTION') send_event(default, None, flag, reason) return EvaluationDetail(default, None, reason)
[docs] def all_flags(self, user): """Returns all feature flag values for the given user. This method is deprecated - please use :func:`all_flags_state()` instead. Current versions of the client-side SDK will not generate analytics events correctly if you pass the result of ``all_flags``. :param dict user: the end user requesting the feature flags :return: a dictionary of feature flag keys to values; returns None if the client is offline, has not been initialized, or the user is None or has no key :rtype: dict """ state = self.all_flags_state(user) if not state.valid: return None return state.to_values_map()
[docs] def all_flags_state(self, user, **kwargs): """Returns an object that encapsulates the state of all feature flags for a given user, including the flag values and also metadata that can be used on the front end. See the JavaScript SDK Reference Guide on `Bootstrapping <>`_. This method does not send analytics events back to LaunchDarkly. :param dict user: the end user requesting the feature flags :param kwargs: optional parameters affecting how the state is computed - see below :Keyword Arguments: * **client_side_only** (*boolean*) -- set to True to limit it to only flags that are marked for use with the client-side SDK (by default, all flags are included) * **with_reasons** (*boolean*) -- set to True to include evaluation reasons in the state (see :func:`variation_detail()`) * **details_only_for_tracked_flags** (*boolean*) -- set to True to omit any metadata that is normally only used for event generation, such as flag versions and evaluation reasons, unless the flag has event tracking or debugging turned on :return: a FeatureFlagsState object (will never be None; its ``valid`` property will be False if the client is offline, has not been initialized, or the user is None or has no key) :rtype: FeatureFlagsState """ if self._config.offline: log.warn("all_flags_state() called, but client is in offline mode. Returning empty state") return FeatureFlagsState(False) if not self.is_initialized(): if self._store.initialized: log.warn("all_flags_state() called before client has finished initializing! Using last known values from feature store") else: log.warn("all_flags_state() called before client has finished initializing! Feature store unavailable - returning empty state") return FeatureFlagsState(False) if user is None or user.get('key') is None: log.warn("User or user key is None when calling all_flags_state(). Returning empty state.") return FeatureFlagsState(False) state = FeatureFlagsState(True) client_only = kwargs.get('client_side_only', False) with_reasons = kwargs.get('with_reasons', False) details_only_if_tracked = kwargs.get('details_only_for_tracked_flags', False) try: flags_map = self._store.all(FEATURES, lambda x: x) if flags_map is None: raise ValueError("feature store error") except Exception as e: log.error("Unable to read flags for all_flag_state: %s" % repr(e)) return FeatureFlagsState(False) for key, flag in flags_map.items(): if client_only and not flag.get('clientSide', False): continue try: detail = evaluate(flag, user, self._store, False).detail state.add_flag(flag, detail.value, detail.variation_index, detail.reason if with_reasons else None, details_only_if_tracked) except Exception as e: log.error("Error evaluating flag \"%s\" in all_flags_state: %s" % (key, repr(e))) log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) reason = {'kind': 'ERROR', 'errorKind': 'EXCEPTION'} state.add_flag(flag, None, None, reason if with_reasons else None, details_only_if_tracked) return state
[docs] def secure_mode_hash(self, user): """Computes an HMAC signature of a user signed with the client's SDK key, for use with the JavaScript SDK. For more information, see the JavaScript SDK Reference Guide on `Secure mode <>`_. :param dict user: the attributes of the user :return: a hash string that can be passed to the front end :rtype: string """ if user.get('key') is None or self._config.sdk_key is None: return "" return, user.get('key').encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
@staticmethod def _sanitize_user(user): if 'key' in user: user['key'] = str(user['key'])
__all__ = ['LDClient', 'Config']