Source code for ldclient.config

This submodule contains the :class:`Config` class for custom configuration of the SDK client.

Note that the same class can also be imported from the ``ldclient.client`` submodule.

from ldclient.event_processor import DefaultEventProcessor
from ldclient.feature_store import InMemoryFeatureStore
from ldclient.util import log

GET_LATEST_FEATURES_PATH = '/sdk/latest-flags'

[docs]class Config(object): """Advanced configuration options for the SDK client. To use these options, create an instance of ``Config`` and pass it to either :func:`ldclient.set_config()` if you are using the singleton client, or the :class:`ldclient.client.LDClient` constructor otherwise. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sdk_key=None, base_uri='', events_uri='', connect_timeout=10, read_timeout=15, events_max_pending=10000, flush_interval=5, stream_uri='', stream=True, verify_ssl=True, defaults=None, send_events=None, events_enabled=True, update_processor_class=None, poll_interval=30, use_ldd=False, feature_store=None, feature_requester_class=None, event_processor_class=None, private_attribute_names=(), all_attributes_private=False, offline=False, user_keys_capacity=1000, user_keys_flush_interval=300, inline_users_in_events=False): """ :param string sdk_key: The SDK key for your LaunchDarkly account. :param string base_uri: The base URL for the LaunchDarkly server. Most users should use the default value. :param string events_uri: The URL for the LaunchDarkly events server. Most users should use the default value. :param float connect_timeout: The connect timeout for network connections in seconds. :param float read_timeout: The read timeout for network connections in seconds. :param int events_upload_max_batch_size: The maximum number of analytics events that the client will send at once. :param int events_max_pending: The capacity of the events buffer. The client buffers up to this many events in memory before flushing. If the capacity is exceeded before the buffer is flushed, events will be discarded. :param float flush_interval: The number of seconds in between flushes of the events buffer. Decreasing the flush interval means that the event buffer is less likely to reach capacity. :param string stream_uri: The URL for the LaunchDarkly streaming events server. Most users should use the default value. :param bool stream: Whether or not the streaming API should be used to receive flag updates. By default, it is enabled. Streaming should only be disabled on the advice of LaunchDarkly support. :param bool send_events: Whether or not to send events back to LaunchDarkly. This differs from `offline` in that it affects only the sending of client-side events, not streaming or polling for events from the server. By default, events will be sent. :param bool events_enabled: Obsolete name for `send_events`. :param bool offline: Whether the client should be initialized in offline mode. In offline mode, default values are returned for all flags and no remote network requests are made. By default, this is false. :type update_processor_class: (str, ldclient.config.Config, FeatureStore) -> UpdateProcessor :param float poll_interval: The number of seconds between polls for flag updates if streaming is off. :param bool use_ldd: Whether you are using the LaunchDarkly relay proxy in daemon mode. In this configuration, the client will not use a streaming connection to listen for updates, but instead will get feature state from a Redis instance. The `stream` and `poll_interval` options will be ignored if this option is set to true. By default, this is false. :param array private_attribute_names: Marks a set of attribute names private. Any users sent to LaunchDarkly with this configuration active will have attributes with these names removed. :param bool all_attributes_private: If true, all user attributes (other than the key) will be private, not just the attributes specified in `private_attribute_names`. :param feature_store: A FeatureStore implementation :type feature_store: FeatureStore :param int user_keys_capacity: The number of user keys that the event processor can remember at any one time, so that duplicate user details will not be sent in analytics events. :param float user_keys_flush_interval: The interval in seconds at which the event processor will reset its set of known user keys. :param bool inline_users_in_events: Whether to include full user details in every analytics event. By default, events will only include the user key, except for one "index" event that provides the full details for the user. :param feature_requester_class: A factory for a FeatureRequester implementation taking the sdk key and config :type feature_requester_class: (str, ldclient.config.Config, FeatureStore) -> FeatureRequester :param event_processor_class: A factory for an EventProcessor implementation taking the config :type event_processor_class: (ldclient.config.Config) -> EventProcessor :param update_processor_class: A factory for an UpdateProcessor implementation taking the sdk key, config, and FeatureStore implementation """ self.__sdk_key = sdk_key if defaults is None: defaults = {} self.__base_uri = base_uri.rstrip('\\') self.__events_uri = events_uri.rstrip('\\') self.__stream_uri = stream_uri.rstrip('\\') self.__update_processor_class = update_processor_class self.__stream = stream self.__poll_interval = max(poll_interval, 30) self.__use_ldd = use_ldd self.__feature_store = InMemoryFeatureStore() if not feature_store else feature_store self.__event_processor_class = DefaultEventProcessor if not event_processor_class else event_processor_class self.__feature_requester_class = feature_requester_class self.__connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.__read_timeout = read_timeout self.__events_max_pending = events_max_pending self.__flush_interval = flush_interval self.__verify_ssl = verify_ssl self.__defaults = defaults if offline is True: send_events = False self.__send_events = events_enabled if send_events is None else send_events self.__private_attribute_names = private_attribute_names self.__all_attributes_private = all_attributes_private self.__offline = offline self.__user_keys_capacity = user_keys_capacity self.__user_keys_flush_interval = user_keys_flush_interval self.__inline_users_in_events = inline_users_in_events
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls): """Returns a ``Config`` instance with default values for all properties. :rtype: ldclient.config.Config """ return cls()
[docs] def copy_with_new_sdk_key(self, new_sdk_key): """Returns a new ``Config`` instance that is the same as this one, except for having a different SDK key. :param string new_sdk_key: the new SDK key :rtype: ldclient.config.Config """ return Config(sdk_key=new_sdk_key, base_uri=self.__base_uri, events_uri=self.__events_uri, connect_timeout=self.__connect_timeout, read_timeout=self.__read_timeout, events_max_pending=self.__events_max_pending, flush_interval=self.__flush_interval, stream_uri=self.__stream_uri, stream=self.__stream, verify_ssl=self.__verify_ssl, defaults=self.__defaults, send_events=self.__send_events, update_processor_class=self.__update_processor_class, poll_interval=self.__poll_interval, use_ldd=self.__use_ldd, feature_store=self.__feature_store, feature_requester_class=self.__feature_requester_class, event_processor_class=self.__event_processor_class, private_attribute_names=self.__private_attribute_names, all_attributes_private=self.__all_attributes_private, offline=self.__offline, user_keys_capacity=self.__user_keys_capacity, user_keys_flush_interval=self.__user_keys_flush_interval, inline_users_in_events=self.__inline_users_in_events)
# for internal use only - probably should be part of the client logic def get_default(self, key, default): return default if key not in self.__defaults else self.__defaults[key] @property def sdk_key(self): return self.__sdk_key @property def base_uri(self): return self.__base_uri # for internal use only - also no longer used, will remove @property def get_latest_flags_uri(self): return self.__base_uri + GET_LATEST_FEATURES_PATH # for internal use only - should construct the URL path in the events code, not here @property def events_uri(self): return self.__events_uri + '/bulk' # for internal use only @property def stream_base_uri(self): return self.__stream_uri # for internal use only - should construct the URL path in the streaming code, not here @property def stream_uri(self): return self.__stream_uri + STREAM_FLAGS_PATH @property def update_processor_class(self): return self.__update_processor_class @property def stream(self): return self.__stream @property def poll_interval(self): return self.__poll_interval @property def use_ldd(self): return self.__use_ldd @property def feature_store(self): return self.__feature_store @property def event_processor_class(self): return self.__event_processor_class @property def feature_requester_class(self): return self.__feature_requester_class @property def connect_timeout(self): return self.__connect_timeout @property def read_timeout(self): return self.__read_timeout @property def events_enabled(self): return self.__send_events @property def send_events(self): return self.__send_events @property def events_max_pending(self): return self.__events_max_pending @property def flush_interval(self): return self.__flush_interval @property def verify_ssl(self): return self.__verify_ssl @property def private_attribute_names(self): return list(self.__private_attribute_names) @property def all_attributes_private(self): return self.__all_attributes_private @property def offline(self): return self.__offline @property def user_keys_capacity(self): return self.__user_keys_capacity @property def user_keys_flush_interval(self): return self.__user_keys_flush_interval @property def inline_users_in_events(self): return self.__inline_users_in_events def _validate(self): if self.offline is False and self.sdk_key is None or self.sdk_key is '': log.warn("Missing or blank sdk_key.")