Source code for ldclient.flag

This submodule contains a helper class for feature flag evaluation, as well as some implementation details.

from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
import logging

import six
import sys

from ldclient import operators
from ldclient.versioned_data_kind import FEATURES, SEGMENTS


__BUILTINS__ = ["key", "ip", "country", "email",
                "firstName", "lastName", "avatar", "name", "anonymous"]

log = logging.getLogger(sys.modules[__name__].__name__)

[docs]class EvaluationDetail(object): """ The return type of :func:`ldclient.client.LDClient.variation_detail()`, combining the result of a flag evaluation with information about how it was calculated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, variation_index, reason): """Constructs an instance. """ self.__value = value self.__variation_index = variation_index self.__reason = reason
@property def value(self): """The result of the flag evaluation. This will be either one of the flag's variations or the default value that was passed to the :func:`ldclient.client.LDClient.variation_detail()` method. """ return self.__value @property def variation_index(self): """The index of the returned value within the flag's list of variations, e.g. 0 for the first variation -- or None if the default value was returned. :rtype: int or None """ return self.__variation_index @property def reason(self): """A dictionary describing the main factor that influenced the flag evaluation value. It contains the following properties: * ``kind``: The general category of reason, as follows: * ``"OFF"``: the flag was off * ``"FALLTHROUGH"`` -- the flag was on but the user did not match any targets or rules * ``"TARGET_MATCH"`` -- the user was specifically targeted for this flag * ``"RULE_MATCH"`` -- the user matched one of the flag's rules * ``"PREREQUISITE_FAILED"`` -- the flag was considered off because it had at least one prerequisite flag that did not return the desired variation * ``"ERROR"`` - the flag could not be evaluated due to an unexpected error. * ``ruleIndex``, ``ruleId``: The positional index and unique identifier of the matched rule, if the kind was ``RULE_MATCH`` * ``prerequisiteKey``: The flag key of the prerequisite that failed, if the kind was ``PREREQUISITE_FAILED`` * ``errorKind``: further describes the nature of the error if the kind was ``ERROR``, e.g. ``"FLAG_NOT_FOUND"`` :rtype: dict """ return self.__reason
[docs] def is_default_value(self): """Returns True if the flag evaluated to the default value rather than one of its variations. :rtype: bool """ return self.__variation_index is None
def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value and self.variation_index == other.variation_index and self.reason == other.reason def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "(value=%s, variation_index=%s, reason=%s)" % (self.value, self.variation_index, self.reason) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
EvalResult = namedtuple('EvalResult', ['detail', 'events']) def error_reason(error_kind): return {'kind': 'ERROR', 'errorKind': error_kind} def evaluate(flag, user, store, include_reasons_in_events = False): prereq_events = [] detail = _evaluate(flag, user, store, prereq_events, include_reasons_in_events) return EvalResult(detail = detail, events = prereq_events) def _evaluate(flag, user, store, prereq_events, include_reasons_in_events): if not flag.get('on', False): return _get_off_value(flag, {'kind': 'OFF'}) prereq_failure_reason = _check_prerequisites(flag, user, store, prereq_events, include_reasons_in_events) if prereq_failure_reason is not None: return _get_off_value(flag, prereq_failure_reason) # Check to see if any user targets match: for target in flag.get('targets') or []: for value in target.get('values') or []: if value == user['key']: return _get_variation(flag, target.get('variation'), {'kind': 'TARGET_MATCH'}) # Now walk through the rules to see if any match for index, rule in enumerate(flag.get('rules') or []): if _rule_matches_user(rule, user, store): return _get_value_for_variation_or_rollout(flag, rule, user, {'kind': 'RULE_MATCH', 'ruleIndex': index, 'ruleId': rule.get('id')}) # Walk through fallthrough and see if it matches if flag.get('fallthrough') is not None: return _get_value_for_variation_or_rollout(flag, flag['fallthrough'], user, {'kind': 'FALLTHROUGH'}) def _check_prerequisites(flag, user, store, events, include_reasons_in_events): failed_prereq = None prereq_res = None for prereq in flag.get('prerequisites') or []: prereq_flag = store.get(FEATURES, prereq.get('key'), lambda x: x) if prereq_flag is None: log.warn("Missing prereq flag: " + prereq.get('key')) failed_prereq = prereq else: prereq_res = _evaluate(prereq_flag, user, store, events, include_reasons_in_events) # Note that if the prerequisite flag is off, we don't consider it a match no matter what its # off variation was. But we still need to evaluate it in order to generate an event. if (not prereq_flag.get('on', False)) or prereq_res.variation_index != prereq.get('variation'): failed_prereq = prereq event = {'kind': 'feature', 'key': prereq.get('key'), 'user': user, 'variation': prereq_res.variation_index, 'value': prereq_res.value, 'version': prereq_flag.get('version'), 'prereqOf': flag.get('key'), 'trackEvents': prereq_flag.get('trackEvents'), 'debugEventsUntilDate': prereq_flag.get('debugEventsUntilDate'), 'reason': prereq_res.reason if prereq_res and include_reasons_in_events else None} events.append(event) if failed_prereq: return {'kind': 'PREREQUISITE_FAILED', 'prerequisiteKey': failed_prereq.get('key')} return None def _get_variation(flag, variation, reason): vars = flag.get('variations') or [] if variation < 0 or variation >= len(vars): return EvaluationDetail(None, None, error_reason('MALFORMED_FLAG')) return EvaluationDetail(vars[variation], variation, reason) def _get_off_value(flag, reason): off_var = flag.get('offVariation') if off_var is None: return EvaluationDetail(None, None, reason) return _get_variation(flag, off_var, reason) def _get_value_for_variation_or_rollout(flag, vr, user, reason): index = _variation_index_for_user(flag, vr, user) if index is None: return EvaluationDetail(None, None, error_reason('MALFORMED_FLAG')) return _get_variation(flag, index, reason) def _get_user_attribute(user, attr): if attr is 'secondary': return None, True if attr in __BUILTINS__: return user.get(attr), False else: # custom attribute if user.get('custom') is None or user['custom'].get(attr) is None: return None, True return user['custom'][attr], False def _variation_index_for_user(feature, rule, user): if rule.get('variation') is not None: return rule['variation'] if rule.get('rollout') is not None: bucket_by = 'key' if rule['rollout'].get('bucketBy') is not None: bucket_by = rule['rollout']['bucketBy'] bucket = _bucket_user(user, feature['key'], feature['salt'], bucket_by) sum = 0.0 for wv in rule['rollout'].get('variations') or []: sum += wv.get('weight', 0.0) / 100000.0 if bucket < sum: return wv.get('variation') return None def _bucket_user(user, key, salt, bucket_by): u_value, should_pass = _get_user_attribute(user, bucket_by) bucket_by_value = _bucketable_string_value(u_value) if should_pass or bucket_by_value is None: return 0.0 id_hash = u_value if user.get('secondary') is not None: id_hash = id_hash + '.' + user['secondary'] hash_key = '%s.%s.%s' % (key, salt, id_hash) hash_val = int(hashlib.sha1(hash_key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:15], 16) result = hash_val / __LONG_SCALE__ return result def _bucketable_string_value(u_value): if isinstance(u_value, six.string_types): return u_value if isinstance(u_value, six.integer_types): return str(u_value) return None def _rule_matches_user(rule, user, store): for clause in rule.get('clauses') or []: if clause.get('attribute') is not None: if not _clause_matches_user(clause, user, store): return False return True def _clause_matches_user(clause, user, store): if clause.get('op') == 'segmentMatch': for seg_key in clause.get('values') or []: segment = store.get(SEGMENTS, seg_key, lambda x: x) if segment is not None and _segment_matches_user(segment, user): return _maybe_negate(clause, True) return _maybe_negate(clause, False) else: return _clause_matches_user_no_segments(clause, user) def _clause_matches_user_no_segments(clause, user): u_value, should_pass = _get_user_attribute(user, clause.get('attribute')) if should_pass is True: return False if u_value is None: return None # is the attr an array? op_fn = operators.ops[clause['op']] if isinstance(u_value, (list, tuple)): for u in u_value: if _match_any(op_fn, u, clause.get('values') or []): return _maybe_negate(clause, True) return _maybe_negate(clause, False) else: return _maybe_negate(clause, _match_any(op_fn, u_value, clause.get('values') or [])) def _segment_matches_user(segment, user): key = user.get('key') if key is not None: if key in segment.get('included', []): return True if key in segment.get('excluded', []): return False for rule in segment.get('rules', []): if _segment_rule_matches_user(rule, user, segment.get('key'), segment.get('salt')): return True return False def _segment_rule_matches_user(rule, user, segment_key, salt): for clause in rule.get('clauses') or []: if not _clause_matches_user_no_segments(clause, user): return False # If the weight is absent, this rule matches if 'weight' not in rule or rule['weight'] is None: return True # All of the clauses are met. See if the user buckets in bucket_by = 'key' if rule.get('bucketBy') is None else rule['bucketBy'] bucket = _bucket_user(user, segment_key, salt, bucket_by) weight = rule['weight'] / 100000.0 return bucket < weight def _match_any(op_fn, u, vals): for v in vals: if op_fn(u, v): return True return False def _maybe_negate(clause, val): if clause.get('negate', False) is True: return not val return val