Source code for ldclient.flag

This submodule contains a helper class for feature flag evaluation, as well as some implementation details.

from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
import logging

import six
import sys

from ldclient import operators
from ldclient.util import stringify_attrs
from ldclient.versioned_data_kind import FEATURES, SEGMENTS


__BUILTINS__ = ["key", "ip", "country", "email",
                "firstName", "lastName", "avatar", "name", "anonymous"]

__USER_ATTRS_TO_STRINGIFY_FOR_EVALUATION__ = [ "key", "secondary" ]
# Currently we are not stringifying the rest of the built-in attributes prior to evaluation, only for events.
# This is because it could affect evaluation results for existing users (ch35206).

log = logging.getLogger(sys.modules[__name__].__name__)

[docs]class EvaluationDetail(object): """ The return type of :func:`ldclient.client.LDClient.variation_detail()`, combining the result of a flag evaluation with information about how it was calculated. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, variation_index, reason): """Constructs an instance. """ self.__value = value self.__variation_index = variation_index self.__reason = reason
@property def value(self): """The result of the flag evaluation. This will be either one of the flag's variations or the default value that was passed to the :func:`ldclient.client.LDClient.variation_detail()` method. """ return self.__value @property def variation_index(self): """The index of the returned value within the flag's list of variations, e.g. 0 for the first variation -- or None if the default value was returned. :rtype: int or None """ return self.__variation_index @property def reason(self): """A dictionary describing the main factor that influenced the flag evaluation value. It contains the following properties: * ``kind``: The general category of reason, as follows: * ``"OFF"``: the flag was off * ``"FALLTHROUGH"`` -- the flag was on but the user did not match any targets or rules * ``"TARGET_MATCH"`` -- the user was specifically targeted for this flag * ``"RULE_MATCH"`` -- the user matched one of the flag's rules * ``"PREREQUISITE_FAILED"`` -- the flag was considered off because it had at least one prerequisite flag that did not return the desired variation * ``"ERROR"`` - the flag could not be evaluated due to an unexpected error. * ``ruleIndex``, ``ruleId``: The positional index and unique identifier of the matched rule, if the kind was ``RULE_MATCH`` * ``prerequisiteKey``: The flag key of the prerequisite that failed, if the kind was ``PREREQUISITE_FAILED`` * ``errorKind``: further describes the nature of the error if the kind was ``ERROR``, e.g. ``"FLAG_NOT_FOUND"`` :rtype: dict """ return self.__reason
[docs] def is_default_value(self): """Returns True if the flag evaluated to the default value rather than one of its variations. :rtype: bool """ return self.__variation_index is None
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value and self.variation_index == other.variation_index and self.reason == other.reason
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __str__(self): return "(value=%s, variation_index=%s, reason=%s)" % (self.value, self.variation_index, self.reason)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
EvalResult = namedtuple('EvalResult', ['detail', 'events'])
[docs]def error_reason(error_kind): return {'kind': 'ERROR', 'errorKind': error_kind}
[docs]def evaluate(flag, user, store, include_reasons_in_events = False): sanitized_user = stringify_attrs(user, __USER_ATTRS_TO_STRINGIFY_FOR_EVALUATION__) prereq_events = [] detail = _evaluate(flag, sanitized_user, store, prereq_events, include_reasons_in_events) return EvalResult(detail = detail, events = prereq_events)
def _evaluate(flag, user, store, prereq_events, include_reasons_in_events): if not flag.get('on', False): return _get_off_value(flag, {'kind': 'OFF'}) prereq_failure_reason = _check_prerequisites(flag, user, store, prereq_events, include_reasons_in_events) if prereq_failure_reason is not None: return _get_off_value(flag, prereq_failure_reason) # Check to see if any user targets match: for target in flag.get('targets') or []: for value in target.get('values') or []: if value == user['key']: return _get_variation(flag, target.get('variation'), {'kind': 'TARGET_MATCH'}) # Now walk through the rules to see if any match for index, rule in enumerate(flag.get('rules') or []): if _rule_matches_user(rule, user, store): return _get_value_for_variation_or_rollout(flag, rule, user, {'kind': 'RULE_MATCH', 'ruleIndex': index, 'ruleId': rule.get('id')}) # Walk through fallthrough and see if it matches if flag.get('fallthrough') is not None: return _get_value_for_variation_or_rollout(flag, flag['fallthrough'], user, {'kind': 'FALLTHROUGH'}) def _check_prerequisites(flag, user, store, events, include_reasons_in_events): failed_prereq = None prereq_res = None for prereq in flag.get('prerequisites') or []: prereq_flag = store.get(FEATURES, prereq.get('key'), lambda x: x) if prereq_flag is None: log.warn("Missing prereq flag: " + prereq.get('key')) failed_prereq = prereq else: prereq_res = _evaluate(prereq_flag, user, store, events, include_reasons_in_events) # Note that if the prerequisite flag is off, we don't consider it a match no matter what its # off variation was. But we still need to evaluate it in order to generate an event. if (not prereq_flag.get('on', False)) or prereq_res.variation_index != prereq.get('variation'): failed_prereq = prereq event = {'kind': 'feature', 'key': prereq.get('key'), 'user': user, 'variation': prereq_res.variation_index, 'value': prereq_res.value, 'version': prereq_flag.get('version'), 'prereqOf': flag.get('key'), 'trackEvents': prereq_flag.get('trackEvents'), 'debugEventsUntilDate': prereq_flag.get('debugEventsUntilDate'), 'reason': prereq_res.reason if prereq_res and include_reasons_in_events else None} events.append(event) if failed_prereq: return {'kind': 'PREREQUISITE_FAILED', 'prerequisiteKey': failed_prereq.get('key')} return None def _get_variation(flag, variation, reason): vars = flag.get('variations') or [] if variation < 0 or variation >= len(vars): return EvaluationDetail(None, None, error_reason('MALFORMED_FLAG')) return EvaluationDetail(vars[variation], variation, reason) def _get_off_value(flag, reason): off_var = flag.get('offVariation') if off_var is None: return EvaluationDetail(None, None, reason) return _get_variation(flag, off_var, reason) def _get_value_for_variation_or_rollout(flag, vr, user, reason): index = _variation_index_for_user(flag, vr, user) if index is None: return EvaluationDetail(None, None, error_reason('MALFORMED_FLAG')) return _get_variation(flag, index, reason) def _get_user_attribute(user, attr): if attr is 'secondary': return None, True if attr in __BUILTINS__: return user.get(attr), False else: # custom attribute if user.get('custom') is None or user['custom'].get(attr) is None: return None, True return user['custom'][attr], False def _variation_index_for_user(feature, rule, user): if rule.get('variation') is not None: return rule['variation'] if rule.get('rollout') is not None: bucket_by = 'key' if rule['rollout'].get('bucketBy') is not None: bucket_by = rule['rollout']['bucketBy'] bucket = _bucket_user(user, feature['key'], feature['salt'], bucket_by) sum = 0.0 for wv in rule['rollout'].get('variations') or []: sum += wv.get('weight', 0.0) / 100000.0 if bucket < sum: return wv.get('variation') return None def _bucket_user(user, key, salt, bucket_by): u_value, should_pass = _get_user_attribute(user, bucket_by) bucket_by_value = _bucketable_string_value(u_value) if should_pass or bucket_by_value is None: return 0.0 id_hash = u_value if user.get('secondary') is not None: id_hash = id_hash + '.' + user['secondary'] hash_key = '%s.%s.%s' % (key, salt, id_hash) hash_val = int(hashlib.sha1(hash_key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:15], 16) result = hash_val / __LONG_SCALE__ return result def _bucketable_string_value(u_value): if isinstance(u_value, six.string_types): return u_value if isinstance(u_value, six.integer_types): return str(u_value) return None def _rule_matches_user(rule, user, store): for clause in rule.get('clauses') or []: if clause.get('attribute') is not None: if not _clause_matches_user(clause, user, store): return False return True def _clause_matches_user(clause, user, store): if clause.get('op') == 'segmentMatch': for seg_key in clause.get('values') or []: segment = store.get(SEGMENTS, seg_key, lambda x: x) if segment is not None and _segment_matches_user(segment, user): return _maybe_negate(clause, True) return _maybe_negate(clause, False) else: return _clause_matches_user_no_segments(clause, user) def _clause_matches_user_no_segments(clause, user): u_value, should_pass = _get_user_attribute(user, clause.get('attribute')) if should_pass is True: return False if u_value is None: return None # is the attr an array? op_fn = operators.ops[clause['op']] if isinstance(u_value, (list, tuple)): for u in u_value: if _match_any(op_fn, u, clause.get('values') or []): return _maybe_negate(clause, True) return _maybe_negate(clause, False) else: return _maybe_negate(clause, _match_any(op_fn, u_value, clause.get('values') or [])) def _segment_matches_user(segment, user): key = user.get('key') if key is not None: if key in segment.get('included', []): return True if key in segment.get('excluded', []): return False for rule in segment.get('rules', []): if _segment_rule_matches_user(rule, user, segment.get('key'), segment.get('salt')): return True return False def _segment_rule_matches_user(rule, user, segment_key, salt): for clause in rule.get('clauses') or []: if not _clause_matches_user_no_segments(clause, user): return False # If the weight is absent, this rule matches if 'weight' not in rule or rule['weight'] is None: return True # All of the clauses are met. See if the user buckets in bucket_by = 'key' if rule.get('bucketBy') is None else rule['bucketBy'] bucket = _bucket_user(user, segment_key, salt, bucket_by) weight = rule['weight'] / 100000.0 return bucket < weight def _match_any(op_fn, u, vals): for v in vals: if op_fn(u, v): return True return False def _maybe_negate(clause, val): if clause.get('negate', False) is True: return not val return val