Source code for ldclient.migrations.types

from typing import Callable, Optional, Any
from enum import Enum
from ldclient.impl.util import Result

MigratorFn = Callable[[Optional[Any]], Result]
When a migration wishes to execute a read or write operation, it must delegate
that call to a consumer defined function. This function must accept an optional
payload value, and return a :class:`ldclient.Result`.

MigratorCompareFn = Callable[[Any, Any], bool]
If a migration read operation is executing which results in both origins being
read from, a customer defined comparison function may be used to determine if
the two results are equal.

This function should accept two parameters which represent the successful
result values of both the old and new origin reads. If the two values are
equal, this function should return true and false otherwise.

[docs]class ExecutionOrder(Enum): """ Depending on the migration stage, reads may operate against both old and new origins. In this situation, the execution order can be defined to specify how these individual reads are coordinated. """ SERIAL = "serial" """ SERIAL execution order ensures that the authoritative read completes before the non-authoritative read is executed. """ RANDOM = "random" """ Like SERIAL, RANDOM ensures that one read is completed before the subsequent read is executed. However, the order in which they are executed is randomly decided. """ PARALLEL = "parallel" """ PARALLEL executes both reads in separate threads. This helps reduce total run time at the cost of the thread overhead. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(order: str) -> Optional['ExecutionOrder']: """ This method will create a Stage enum corresponding to the given string. If the string doesn't map to a stage, None will returned. """ try: return next(e for e in ExecutionOrder if e.value == order) except StopIteration: return None
[docs]class Operation(Enum): """ The operation enum is used to record the type of migration operation that occurred. """ READ = "read" """ READ represents a read-only operation on an origin of data. A read operation carries the implication that it can be executed in parallel against multiple origins. """ WRITE = "write" """ WRITE represents a write operation on an origin of data. A write operation implies that execution cannot be done in parallel against multiple origins. """
[docs]class Origin(Enum): """ The origin enum is used to denote which source of data should be affected by a particular operation. """ OLD = "old" """ The OLD origin is the source of data we are migrating from. When the migration is complete, this source of data will be unused. """ NEW = "new" """ The NEW origin is the source of data we are migrating to. When the migration is complete, this source of data will be the source of truth. """
[docs]class Stage(Enum): """ Stage denotes one of six possible stages a technology migration could be a part of, progressing through the following order. :class:`Stage.OFF` -> :class:`Stage.DUALWRITE` -> :class:`Stage.SHADOW` -> :class:`Stage.LIVE` -> :class:`Stage.RAMPDOWN` -> :class:`Stage.COMPLETE` """ OFF = "off" """ The migration hasn't started. :class:`Origin.OLD` is authoritative for reads and writes """ DUALWRITE = "dualwrite" """ Write to both :class:`Origin.OLD` and :class:`Origin.NEW`, :class:`Origin.OLD` is authoritative for reads """ SHADOW = "shadow" """ Both :class:`Origin.NEW` and :class:`Origin.OLD` versions run with a preference for :class:`Origin.OLD` """ LIVE = "live" """ Both :class:`Origin.NEW` and :class:`Origin.OLD` versions run with a preference for :class:`Origin.NEW` """ RAMPDOWN = "rampdown" """ Only read from :class:`Origin.NEW`, write to :class:`Origin.OLD` and :class:`Origin.NEW` """ COMPLETE = "complete" """ The migration is finished. :class:`Origin.NEW` is authoritative for reads and writes """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(stage: str) -> Optional['Stage']: """ This method will create a Stage enum corresponding to the given string. If the string doesn't map to a stage, OFF will be used. """ try: return next(s for s in Stage if s.value == stage) except StopIteration: return None
[docs]class OperationResult(Result): """ The OperationResult wraps a :class:`ldclient.Result` pair an origin with a result. """
[docs] def __init__(self, origin: Origin, result: Result): super().__init__(result.value, result.error, result.exception) self.__origin = origin
@property def origin(self) -> Origin: return self.__origin
class WriteResult: """ A write result contains the operation results against both the authoritative and non-authoritative origins. Authoritative writes are always executed first. In the event of a failure, the non-authoritative write will not be executed, resulting in a None value in the final WriteResult. """ def __init__(self, authoritative: OperationResult, nonauthoritative: Optional[OperationResult] = None): self.__authoritative = authoritative self.__nonauthoritative = nonauthoritative @property def authoritative(self) -> OperationResult: return self.__authoritative @property def nonauthoritative(self) -> Optional[OperationResult]: return self.__nonauthoritative
[docs]class MigrationConfig: """ A migration config stores references to callable methods which execute customer defined read or write operations on old or new origins of information. For read operations, an optional comparison function also be defined. """
[docs] def __init__(self, old: MigratorFn, new: MigratorFn, comparison: Optional[MigratorCompareFn] = None): self.__old = old self.__new = new self.__comparison = comparison
@property def old(self) -> MigratorFn: """ Callable which receives a nullable payload parameter and returns an :class:`ldclient.Result`. This function call should affect the old migration origin when called. @return [#call] """ return self.__old @property def new(self) -> MigratorFn: """ # Callable which receives a nullable payload parameter and returns an # :class:`ldclient.Result`. # # This function call should affect the new migration origin when # called. """ return self.__new @property def comparison(self) -> Optional[MigratorCompareFn]: """ Optional callable which receives two objects of any kind and returns a boolean representing equality. The result of this comparison can be sent upstream to LaunchDarkly to enhance migration observability. """ return self.__comparison